Sunday, August 14, 2022

6 Phases of ACL Rehabilitation After Surgery

ACL Rehabilitation

(After Surgery)


Phase 1: (0-2 weeks post op)

Early Motion and Muscle Reactivation Exercises

1.    Cryotherapy & Elevation

2.    Heel Props

3.    Quad Sets

4.    Calf Pumps

5.    Hamstring Sets

6.    Patellar Mobilizations

7.    Straight Leg Raise

8.    Hip Abduction

9.    Heel Slides

10. Wall Slides

11. Seated Flexion Hangs

12. Prone Extension Hangs

13. Balance – Weight Shifts Front & Back

14. Balance – Weight Shifts Side To Side


Phase 2: (3-4 weeks post op)

Balance and Normal Gait

1.    Heel Props

2.    Flexion Hangs

3.    Prone Hangs

4.    Hamstring Stretching

5.    Calf Stretching

6.    Patellar Mobilizations

7.    Strength – Straight Leg Raises

8.    Strength – Hip Abduction

9.    Strength – Hip Extension

10. Strength – Hip Adduction

11. Strength – Knee Extension 40-90 Degrees

12. Strength – Mini-Squats – 0-40 Degrees

13. Strength – Leg Press – 0-30 Degrees

14. Strength – Hamstring Curls – Leg Weights

15. Strength – Calf Raises

16. Strength – Lateral Lunges

17. Strength – Squat And Rock

18. Stationary Bike

19. Balance – Front & Back Rock, Feet Staggered

20. Balance – Single Leg

21. Balance – Tandem Walking Heel To Toe

22. Balance – Plyo Ball Sit And Rock, Leg Raises

23. Gait – Step Overs Forward

24. Gait – Step Overs Backward

25. Gait – Forward High Knee Walk

26. Gait – Backward High Knee Walk

27. Gait – Forward High Hurdle With Hip Circles

28. Gait – Backward High Hurdle With Hip Circles

29. Core – Abdominal Isometrics

30. Core – Crunches

31. Core – Reverse Crunches

32. Core – Diagonal Crunches

33. Core – Back Extension

Phase 3: (4-6 weeks post op)

Early Strengthening and Coordination

1.    Hamstring Stretch

2.    Calf Stretch

3.    Quad Stretch

4.    Stationary Bike

5.    Strength – Hip Flexion

6.    Strength – Hip Extension

7.    Strength – Hip Abduction

8.    Strength – Hip Adduction

9.    Strength – Wall Squats

10. Strength – Front Lunges – Partial

11. Strength – Lateral Lunges

12. Strength – Step Ups 6”Block – Front To Back

13. Strength – Step Ups 6”Inch Block – Side To Side

14. Strength – Sumo Squats With Dumbell

15. Strength – Front Kicks

16. Strength – Side Kicks

17. Strength – Bend And Squats

18. Balance – Single Leg Toe Raise, Alternate

19. Balance – Single Leg Toe Reach

20. Balance – Leaning Towers

21. Gait – Lateral Stepovers

22. Gait – Forward Zig-Zag Skater Step With Pause

23. Gait – Backward Zig-Zag Skater Step With Pause

24. Gait – Side Step In Mini-Squat Position

25. Core – Abdominal Isometrics

26. Core – Crunches

27. Core – Reverse Crunches

28. Core – Diagonal Crunches

29. Core – Back Extension

Phase 4: (6-12 weeks post op)

Advance Strengthening and Coordination

1.    Hamstring Stretch

2.    Calf Stretch

3.    Quad Stretch

4.    It Band Stretch

5.    Strength – Leg Press

6.    Strength – Squat & Heel Lift

7.    Strength – Squat & Reach

8.    Strength – Single Leg Squats – Alternating

9.    Strength – Reverse Lunge

10. Strength – Lateral Lunge Walk

11. Strength – Forward Lunge Walk

12. Strength – Weighted Pistols

13. Strength – Albanian Squats

14. Strength – Cross Reaches

15. Balance – Sports Activity One Leg

16. Balance – Single Leg Balance On Towel Roll

17. Balance – Walk And Hold Single Leg Stance

18. Plyometric – Box Jumps (6” To 12” Height)

19. Plyometric – Leap And Land (Double Leg Progress To Single Leg)

20. Plyometric – Jump Stops

21. Agility – Fast Feet In Place

22. Agility – Forward Skip

23. Agility – Backward Skip

24. Agility – Side Skip

25. Agility – Side Shuffle

26. Agility – Back Pedals

27. Agility – Y Lunges

28. Agility – Toe Taps

29. Agility – Triangle Lunges

30. Cross Training – Stair Stepper Or Elliptical

31. Cross Training – Walk & Run

32. Cross Training – Slow Figure 8’s

33. Cross Training – Slow Large Circles

34. Core – Abdominal Isometrics

35. Core – Crunches

36. Core – Reverse Crunches

37. Core – Diagonal Crunches

38. Core – Back Extension

39. Core – Bridges

40. Core – Single-Leg Bridges

41. Core – Leg Leans

Phase 5: (4 month post op)

Plyometrics and Agility

1.    Warm-Up – Fast Feet

2.    Warm-Up – Forward Skip

3.    Warm-Up – Backward Skip

4.    Warm-Up – Side Skip

5.    Warm-Up – 3 Step Diagonals

6.    Warm-Up – Back Pedals

7.    Strength – Forward Lunge Walk

8.    Strength – Lateral Lunge Walk

9.    Strength – Single Leg Squat, Alternating

10. Strength – Power Step Up

11. Balance – Step And Hold

12. Balance – Single Leg Balance And Toe Touch

13. Balance – Pop Hops

14. Balance – Toe Touch Plus

15. Balance – Toe Taps – Back, Front, Side; Then No Tap

16. Plyometric – Box Jumps Double Leg (1’ Progress To 2’)

17. Plyometric – Double Leg Line Jumps – Forward

18. Plyometric – Double Leg Line Jumps – Lateral

19. Plyometric – Double Leg Line Jumps – Front / Back

20. Plyometric – Double Leg Line Jumps – Side /Side

21. Plyometric – Double Leg Jump/Rotate/Hold

22. Plyometric – Single Leg Leap And Land

23. Plyometric – Long Jump, Double Leg Land, Back Pedal

24. Plyometric – Squat, Jump, Lunge

25. Plyometric – Single Leg Hops – 4 For Height

26. Plyometric – Single Leg Hops – 4 For Distance

27. Agility – Figure 8 Forward

28. Agility – Figure 8 Face Forward

29. Agility – Figure 8 Cariocas

30. Agility – High Knee, Side Shuffle, High Knee

31. Agility – 4 Corner Drill #1

32. Agility – 4 Corner Drill #2

33. Agility – T Drill

34. Cross-Training – Bike

35. Cross Training – Elliptical And Running

36. Core – Planks

37. Core – V Sit And Stretch

38. Core – V Sit And Twist

39. Core – Chopping

40. Core – Diagonals

Phase 6: (Month 5+ Post Op)

Advance Sports and Functional Training

1.    Warm-Up – Fast Feet

2.    Warm-Up – Forward Skip

3.    Warm-Up – Backward Skip

4.    Warm-Up – Side Skip

5.    Warm-Up – 3 Step Diagonals

6.    Warm-Up – Back Pedals

7.    Strength – Forward Lunge Walk

8.    Strength – Lateral Lunge Walk

9.    Strength – Single Leg Squat, Alternating

10. Strength – Power Step Ups

11. Strength – Single Leg Deadlift

12. Plyometric – Single Leg Line Jump And Hold – Front/Back

13. Plyometric – Single Leg Line Jump And Hold – Side/Side

14. Plyometric – Single Leg Line Jump – Clockwise

15. Plyometric – Single Leg Line Jump – Figure 8

16. Plyometric – Single Leg Jump Rotations 90 Degrees

17. Plyometric – Squat, Jump, Lunge

18. Plyometric – Jump, Lunge, Freeze

19. Plymetric  – Spinning Plyo Squat, Lunges

20. Plyometric – Double Leg Long Jump

21. Plyometric – Single Leg Hop – Hop – Hold

22. Plyometric – Step Off, Jump, Hold

23. Plyometric – Box Jumps Double Leg (1’ Progress To 2’)

24. Plyometric  – Single Leg Leap And Lunge

25. Plyometric  – Single Leg Hops – 4 For Height

26. Plyometric  – Single Leg Hops – 4 For Distance

27. Plyometric  – Single Leg Hops – 10-20 Yards For Speed

28. Agility – Near/Near, Far/Fars

29. Agility – Scissor Kicks Lateral

30. Agility – Tuck Jumps X 2, Back Pedal

31. Agility – Cone Drill

32. Agility – M Cone Drill

33. Agility – X Drill

34. Cross-Training – Bike

35. Cross Training – Stair Stepper Or Elliptical

36. Cross Training – Treadmill

37. Core – Planks

38. Core – V Sit And Stretch

39. Core – V Sit And Twist

40. Core – Chopping

41. Core – Diagonals

42. Core – Body Bridges – Prone, Right, Left, Supine


Consultant Physiotherapist 


Tuba Physiotherapy

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