Saturday, January 16, 2021

5 Simple Positions to Relieve Breathlessness in COVID-19

In COVID-19, Breathlessness commonly causes people to feel anxious which can make it worse. Staying calm and using positions and breathing techniques helps manage it.

According to WHO, there are several positions that can be adopted that offer support to the body to make breathing easier.

Patients may experience breathlessness with exertion when recovering from COVID-19. This can expend additional energy and cause increased anxiety.

In conjunction with breathing techniques, use these positions to help you reduce breathlessness and can make you relax.

Patient can try to relive breathlessness with a number of positions:

1)       High side lying

2)      Forward lean sitting (table in front)

3)     Forward lean sitting (no table in front)

4)     Forward lean standing

5)     Standing with back support

1. High Side Lying

  • Lie on either side with pillows under your head and shoulder.
  •  Your knee and hip should slightly bend.
  • Make sure your pillow support the head and shoulder.

2. Forward lean sitting (table in front)

  • Sit in a chair at the table.
  •  Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  •  Lean your chest forward.
  • Place your arms on the table.
  •  Relax your head on your forearms.
  •  If a pillow is easily available, place it on a table and rest your head on the pillow. 
  • Relax down onto the pillows as much as possible.
  •  Having your legs apart may also help.


 3. Forward lean sitting (no table in front)

  • Sit on a chair in a comfortable position.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  •  Lean your chest forward a little.
  • Rest your elbows resting loosely on your knees.
  • Relax your neck and shoulders as more as you can.


 4. Forward lean standing

  •  Lean forward and rest your elbows on a chair, windowsill or worktop.
  •  Place your hands just below shoulder height.
  • Relax your neck, resting your head on your forearms.
  •  Relax your shoulders.

  5. Standing with back support

  •  Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  •  Lean your hips against a wall.
  •  Rest your hands on your thighs.
  • Relax your shoulders.
  •  Leaning forward slightly and letting your hands hang loosely

It is not necessarily that every position is going to suit everyone. Tryout with different positions and find what works best for you.

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