Thursday, January 21, 2021

Interesting Benefits of Online Physiotherapy Consultation

Physiotherapists can relief from pain, injury, and improving your mobility. They could inquire about your pain and move your body to find out what’s happening. They usually demonstrate you movements to do on your own as well. But let's think if you’re at home, speaking to a physiotherapist on video call? Many physiotherapists offer online physiotherapy consultations. Through video chat or on the phone, you can discuss your questions, exercises and treatment.

Now we can identify what you’re thinking that how can Physiotherapy be performed online? It is often perceived as a very hands on profession.

Physiotherapy as a whole has moved away from a reliance on complex machines and manual techniques, and more towards structured rehabilitation plans that the patient carries out themselves under guidance. This can be converted surprisingly well to an online format, and there is extensive research evidence to support this.

At Online Physiotherapy Consultation, physiotherapy consultation process have been completely converted to online. This means that you can get your injury personally assessed and diagnosed via any combination of web forms, video consultations and protected messaging. Your Physiotherapist will then formulate a rehabilitation plan specific to your needs, and convey it to your computer via written report or an online video.

The online physiotherapy consultation process is almost the same as if you were to visit in a Centre. You still receive all of the benefits, just delivered online instead. The most Interesting Benefits of Online Physiotherapy Consultation are:

1. No Need to Travel

One of the biggest benefits to online physiotherapy is the easy accessibility. You’re not travelling far out of your way, missing work to attend physiotherapy appointments.

2. Save Your Money

Are you thinking, “This has got to be really expensive!”? That’s not true.

Online physiotherapy consultation is an affordable solution to your needs.

This consultation is very feasible and you will be offered various payment options so you can make payment at your convenience.

3. Comfortable and Convenient

You can see your physiotherapist without messing up your schedule. You no longer have to sit in a waiting room for a consultation. Now, you can sit in the comfort of your own home while you wait to speak to the physiotherapist. You have access to your therapist whenever you want, you can messaging them. Instead of waiting for one appointment a week, you can literally ask a question, as you think of them.

4. Get an appointment whenever and wherever you want 

You can get an appointment whenever and wherever you want whether you are away on business, long weekend or holiday or competing anywhere.

The benefit of online physiotherapy is that if you have internet connection, you have connection with your physiotherapist. Now distance doesn’t have to be a limitation to you receiving the quality care that you deserve.

5. No Risk of Infections

As after COVID-19 break through, everything is got changed. There is a higher risk of infection to go to the physiotherapy center and get treatment. If you’re sitting and waiting for hours for your appointment, you could catch all kinds of diseases.

With your online consultation, there’s no risk of catching anything. If your immune system is down, sometimes you’re better speaking to a physiotherapist from the safety of your home.

6. Learn About Your Own Health

The internet is full of quality information and you only need to know where to search for.

During the video consultation, video platform allows the screen that physiotherapist is using to be displayed on your phone screen.

This means physiotherapist can highlight in real-time, any relevant information that might help you to understand your condition.

7. Online consultation can offer a wealth of advices

During online consultation, you will be provided with information and advice regarding your condition. Following this, physiotherapist can provide additional information to help you to understand more about your conditions. Instead of looking up your symptoms on the internet, you can benefit from a wealth of additional information that has been approved by your physiotherapist following your consultation.

This gives patients the opportunity to find answers to questions that they may not have thought to ask during their consultation, and the chance to learn more about their condition and how to best deal with it.


       Resolve your problem anytime and anywhere


I’m on board with this online physiotherapy model, but I’d be really interested to know what you think. Do you think that you’d want to see an online physiotherapy, or is it still the in-person appointment you’d favor? Have you used online physiotherapy, what was your experience? Let’s get some chat going below.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

5 Effective Breathing Exercises for Improving Lung Compliance in COVID-19

 In COVID-19, Breathlessness commonly causes people to feel anxious which can make it worse. Staying calm and breathing techniques helps to manage it.

Patients may experience breathlessness with exertion when recovering from COVID-19. Patients may experience breathlessness when in bed, when sitting upright or when moving small amounts, such as during dressing. This can expend additional energy and cause increased anxiety. Patients may have reduced tolerance to everyday activities, walking around home or when undertaking exercise. Breathlessness may contribute to fatigue, which may be reported during recovery.

Breathing Exercises can cure the difficulties in lung functioning after COVID-19. It can improve lung function compliance, Increase ventilation and clear the airway. There are different breathing exercises to overcome this breathlessness. The most 5 Effective Exercises for Improving Lung Compliance in COVID-19 are as follows:

1. Pursed Lip Breathing

Pursed lip breathing works as by moving oxygen into lungs and carbon dioxide out of lungs. This technique helps to remove the air that is trapped in the lungs by slowing down breathing rate and relieving shortness of breath.


1.      Sit straight or lie down comfortably. Relax your shoulders as much as possible.

2.      Inhale through your nose for two seconds, feeling the air move into your abdomen. Try to fill your abdomen as well as lungs fully.

3.      Purse your lips like you’re blowing on hot food and then breathe out slowly, taking twice as long to exhale as you took to breathe in.

4.      Then repeat. Over time, you can increase the inhale and exhale counts from 2 seconds to 4 seconds, and so on.


·         Controls shortness of breath

·         Makes each breath more effective

·         Improve lung function

2. Diaphragmatic Breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing involves fully engaging the stomach, abdominal muscles, and diaphragm when breathing.


1.      Lie down on a flat surface with a pillow under the head and pillows beneath the knees. Pillows will help keep the body in a comfortable position.

2.      Place one hand on the middle of the upper chest.

3.      Place the other hand on the stomach, just beneath the rib cage but above the diaphragm.

4.      To inhale, slowly breathe in through the nose, drawing the breath down toward the stomach. The stomach should push upward against the hand, while the chest remains still.

5.      To exhale, tighten the abdominal muscles and let the stomach fall downward while exhaling through pursed lips. Again, the chest should remain still.


·         Improves oxygen supply

·         Slowing the breathing rate

·         Lowering the heart rate

·         Stabilizes blood pressure

·         Strengthening the diaphragm

·         Improving stability in the core muscles

·         Promoting relaxation

3. Blowing Exercises

Blowing exercises can be done in two ways:

a) Balloon exercise

Blowing up a balloon can cause miracle for your lungs. This lung exercise assists patients by permitting the lungs to expand with sufficient oxygen to meet the body’s demand. Blowing a balloon is an exercise you can do in your own home or anywhere whenever you want which can improve your lung capacity.


1.      Inhale normally and naturally.

2.      Exhale fully as you are blowing a balloon- make sure you have exhaled all of the air out of your lungs.

3.      Then, Inhale normally.

4.      Exhale fully to blow the balloon.

5.      Repeat this exercise for 5 minutes.


·         Maintains sufficient supply of oxygen to lungs

·         More Oxygen supply helps to improve lung endurance

·         Reduces breathlessness and fatigue

·         Reduces stress and anxiety 

b) Straw exercise

This technique is very useful in people who have developed rapid and tight breathing. This exercise can changed the life of people who have abnormal breathing patterns.


1.      Inhale normally and naturally.

2.      Exhale fully through a plastic drinking straw - make sure you have exhaled all of the air out of your lungs.

3.      Inhale normally (not through the straw).

4.      Exhale fully out of the straw.

5.      Repeat this exercise for 5 minutes.

6.      Ideally, do this twice a day.


·         Maintains sufficient supply of oxygen to lungs

·         More Oxygen supply helps to improve lung endurance

·         Reduces breathlessness and fatigue

·         Reduces stress and anxiety 

4. Incentive Spirometer  

An incentive spirometer is a medical device that can be available easily on medical stores. This facilitate the patient to visually indicate the performance (inspiratory effort) and this visual feedback provides monitoring to their own efforts. This device gives the feedback regarding flow and volume and also prevent and reverse from atelectasis when used correctly and repeatedly. The visual feedback therapy serves as a motivation or goal for the patient to strive to meet by repeating the maximal effort repeatedly.


1.      Sit at the edge of your bed. If you can’t sit up completely, sit up as far as you can.

2.      Hold your incentive spirometer upright.

3.      Cover the mouthpiece tightly with your lips to create a seal.

4.      Slowly breathe in as deep as you can until the piston in the central column reaches the goal set by your healthcare provider.

5.      Hold your breath for at least 5 seconds, then exhale until the piston falls to the bottom of the spirometer.

6.      Rest for several seconds and repeat at least 10 times per hour.


·         Helps to strengthen the breathing

·         Keep the lung active during bed rest

·         Prevents lung collapses

·         Lower the risk of developing pneumonia atelectasis and respiratory failure

5. Square Box Breathing

Square box breathing is a technique used when taking slow, deep breaths. It can enhance performance and concentration and also being a powerful stress reliever.


1. Inhale: Close your eyes. Breathe in through your nose whilst counting to 4.

2. Hold: Keep the air inside and count to 4.

3. Exhale: Breathe out slowly for count of 4. Repeat.

4. Hold: wait another count of 4 until you breathe in through your nose again


·         Improve longevity

·         Strengthens your diaphragm

·         Reduces stress and anxiety

·         Positively affects emotions and mental well-being

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Saturday, January 16, 2021

5 Simple Positions to Relieve Breathlessness in COVID-19

In COVID-19, Breathlessness commonly causes people to feel anxious which can make it worse. Staying calm and using positions and breathing techniques helps manage it.

According to WHO, there are several positions that can be adopted that offer support to the body to make breathing easier.

Patients may experience breathlessness with exertion when recovering from COVID-19. This can expend additional energy and cause increased anxiety.

In conjunction with breathing techniques, use these positions to help you reduce breathlessness and can make you relax.

Patient can try to relive breathlessness with a number of positions:

1)       High side lying

2)      Forward lean sitting (table in front)

3)     Forward lean sitting (no table in front)

4)     Forward lean standing

5)     Standing with back support

1. High Side Lying

  • Lie on either side with pillows under your head and shoulder.
  •  Your knee and hip should slightly bend.
  • Make sure your pillow support the head and shoulder.

2. Forward lean sitting (table in front)

  • Sit in a chair at the table.
  •  Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  •  Lean your chest forward.
  • Place your arms on the table.
  •  Relax your head on your forearms.
  •  If a pillow is easily available, place it on a table and rest your head on the pillow. 
  • Relax down onto the pillows as much as possible.
  •  Having your legs apart may also help.


 3. Forward lean sitting (no table in front)

  • Sit on a chair in a comfortable position.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  •  Lean your chest forward a little.
  • Rest your elbows resting loosely on your knees.
  • Relax your neck and shoulders as more as you can.


 4. Forward lean standing

  •  Lean forward and rest your elbows on a chair, windowsill or worktop.
  •  Place your hands just below shoulder height.
  • Relax your neck, resting your head on your forearms.
  •  Relax your shoulders.

  5. Standing with back support

  •  Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  •  Lean your hips against a wall.
  •  Rest your hands on your thighs.
  • Relax your shoulders.
  •  Leaning forward slightly and letting your hands hang loosely

It is not necessarily that every position is going to suit everyone. Tryout with different positions and find what works best for you.

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6 Best Stretching and Strengthening Exercises for Relieving Pain in Frozen Shoulder

 Frozen shoulder exercises are a crucial component of treatment for this condition. They are designed to improve range of motion, reduce pai...